
Explore and Experience Bhakti at the First Gathering of the Semester!

Hope everybody's first week is going well! Rutgers Bhakti Club is back!

Come relax and recharge for the semester ahead. This meeting is super special for it will be with celebrity yoga teacher, YOGI CHARU (from our big Yoga event last year!). He will be sharing some of his own experiences with yoga and leading guided meditation. As always, there will be a free vegan dinner!

The first meeting of the semester will be Thursday January 28th at 8:30 PM.

We will be meeting in Frelinghuysen A6 on College Ave. (If you get off at the SAC bus stop it is the building on your right.)

Hope to see you all there! Have a great week.


Welcome Back!

We're back in school in the spring semester and really excited for the awesome programs this semester! More information on the first meeting (this Thurs Jan 28) soon!