
Pre-Sacred Sounds Kirtan Night

Hey everybody!

Just in time for a post-hurricane recovery, uplift your spirit and seek within at our very special Bhakti meeting this week...featuring a Pre-Sacred Sounds Kirtan Night!!

Sacred Sounds is rapidly approaching...in fact we are about 11 DAYS away from the most anticipated evening of the semester!
PLEASE RSVP FOR SACRED SOUNDS at http://www.facebook.com/events/294380983999246 and check out the Sacred Sounds website at www.bhakticlub.org/sacredsounds!!!!!

Pre- Sacred Sounds Kirtan Night!

Thursday November 1st 8:30 PM

Campbell A5

Please RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/events/553616041320707

We will be further exploring the practice of mantra/musical meditations followed by a vegan meal! Have a great week. Hope to see you all Thursday.

With love,
Rutgers Bhakti

PS-As we are trying to be mindful to the environment, please bring your own eating containers if possible! Thank you!

Check out www.bhakticlub.org for more info!

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